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Location of project files not remembered

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 4:48 pm
by bobr
This is not really a bug, more a 'the IDE would be much easier to use, if . . .'

For many people this isn't a problem, but I'm developing software on a MAC using Parallels Desktop to support the Windows and Linux environments. When KBIDE is installed it is placed in the appropriate place in the file store of the specific environment. When working in my environment and using, say Windows, KBIDE is placed in drive 'C'. That's fine, but new projects are then added in the same place. This isn't! I need project files to be kept within the MAC file store, not the Windows one. This is not insurmountable. The path can be set up when creating a new project. However, it would be lovely if there was somewhere with Preferences to set the default project path, not just the default project.

Having said all this, I do find kBasic very impressive. Thank you for the hard work!