KBasic's future with Qt

Are there new versions/documentation?

KBasic's future with Qt

Postby berndnoetscher » Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:31 am

Qt is continuing to become the default multi-platform C++ library in the world.
KBasic will switch to the newest Qt 4.4 as it is reaches FINAL status.

There are some exciting news about this new Qt 4.4

  • Qt (and so KBasic) becomes Cocoa based on Mac platforms (leaving Carbon). Cocoa is Apple's modern framework on Mac enabling you to use any features on Mac (aqua controls, CoreAnimation...), which means feeling more native on Mac. You will need at least Mac OS X 10.5 on target systems.
  • New fully featured web browser control WebKit (based on Safari, Apple's "Internet Explorer")
  • New multi-media support for sounds, videos and more (based on Phonon), which means you can use mpg, mp3, quicktime and so on your app
  • fully Windows Vista look and feel and new controls
  • and much more

KBasic is continuing to develop as the BASIC programming language to develop Qt applications for Windows, Mac and Linux.
So be sure to check out the newest versions in future.
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