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Advice on getting started with KBasic

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:30 am
by forkinpm
Not being a programmer, but a writer, who has tasks which need to be automated, starting is not so easy.
I have looked at innumerable languages to try and find one that I coulg understand and use.
All that I have been unable to conclude is that the fence between the developers of the languages and potential users is almost unsurmountable.
All that I wish to automate on my desktop is associated with what I have written and how I have researched to write it.
All has been sorted into models I have constructed. The steps to develop the models have been, In my view, a useful basis to convert to programming function.
Is that analysis incorrect?
Or are such definitions fundamentally not convertible to automation processes if not programming?
Are there users in the community who have not started out as programmers and whoc could share their advice with me?
Where should I really begin; reading an introduction into Basic, perhaps?
I would welcome any advice. If it would help I would share my definitions of tasks and steps with onyone wble to help.
Regards, forkinpm.

Re: Advice on getting started with KBasic

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:17 am
by berndnoetscher
A short answer. Please read the following document. Maybe someone on the forum might help you better. ... ing_coding

Re: Advice on getting started with KBasic

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:33 am
by Henning
Hi forkinpm,

You don't say anything about what you really intend to do. Nor what operating system (Mac, Windows...) you're using.

From you beeing a writer I guess what you're after is some 'macro' to ease repeating tasks.

If you're using Windows and office (Word) there is VBA built-in.
