Code Completion and Intellisense

Questions regarding IDE/Code-Editor

Code Completion and Intellisense

Postby yogiyang » Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:40 am

I just downloaded the latest version of KBasic and installed it. Everything went well and I am able to try out all the samples provided.

To wet my feet I started a single form project and when I went to code editor to type code I could not initiate Code Completion or Intellisense sort of functionality that I am used to in VB6, Delphi, Vs2005, etc.

I tried many times by pressing Ctrl+Space (which is standard way to activate this functionality in above mentioned IDEs) but the Editor only leaves a space.

Is this functionality implemented in KBasic IDE?

If yes how can I activate it?

If no when will it be added because without this I would not want to program in KBasic :cry: ?


Yogi Yang
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Re: Code Completion and Intellisense

Postby Slowdown » Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:51 pm

autocompl.tiff (46.57 KiB) Viewed 1498 times
this ?

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Re: Code Completion and Intellisense

Postby berndnoetscher » Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:07 am

Auto complete is implemented, but I noticed that it have to improve, because sometimes it failes to display, when it is requested. It appears after you type " AS " for variable declaration or you type a built-in command like "ABS" or "LEFT". And it appears when you use a dot "." for function calls of objects and classes.
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Re: Code Completion and Intellisense

Postby tseyfarth » Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:40 pm


You wrote of "autocompl.tiff" What is it and where can I find reference to it? The documentation does not allow for searching. So it is a bit hard to find.

Thank you!
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Re: Code Completion and Intellisense

Postby Slowdown » Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:32 am

Hi Tim,

autocompl.tiff is not something you can find in the manuals.
It's a (part) of a screen shot i made of my own screen.
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Posts: 347
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