assignment expression missing....

Questions regarding syntax

assignment expression missing....

Postby GaryVass » Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:00 am


I have an error I can't get rid of... this statement works in other programs, so I know the statement is correct. I have checked to be sure all the variables are declared, and deleted extraneous things in the project that are no longer used, but I can not get rid of the error.... the sub is copied below:

I have tried replacing the strSQL variable with a straight sql statement, replacing the RUN with Get, but neither resulted in a change of the error message.

---- begin copy ----------

Function PutRec(tbl As string, col As string, nData as String, tCompName as String) As String

' sRecordsId = Records.Open(gsDatabase, strSQL)
' IF sRecordsId then

strSQL = "INSERT INTO " & tbl & " SET " & col & " = " & "'" & nData & "' " & "WHERE COMPNAME = " & "'" & tCompName & "';"
' msgbox "running PutRec"
print tbl, col, nData, tCompName
print strSQL
rslt = Run(strSQL)
' end if

End Function
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