Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

If you have problems with the installation of KBasic, you are right here

Re: Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

Postby berndnoetscher » Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:59 am

I don't know how to deal with it on ubuntu, but someone described the installation process very detailed (thanks :-)

If you would use opensuse instead of ubuntu, it would be easier to have a running kbasic, because it was created on opensuse 11.0 and all needed files could be easily installed by using the default tools on opensuse (yast).

No manually actions would be necessary on opensuse. Maybe this is the way to go for you.
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Re: Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

Postby HeatPro » Sat Dec 20, 2008 3:10 am

I found a simple solution to the message that no such directory exists.
The installer wants to put the two icon files using
chmod 755 $HOME/Desktop/KBasic.desktop
chmod 755 $HOME/Desktop/Uninstall.desktop
then the System Monitor informs of the error:
chmod: cannot access 'root/Desktop/kBasic.desktop': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access 'root/Desktop/Uninstall.desktop': No such file or directory
The computer is right, there is no root/Desktop folder as it wasn't told to make one first.

On Kubuntu 8.1 that attempt is to home/YOURNAMEUSER/Desktop
but that isn't where the installer is looking
on my install it was looking for the folder at root/Desktop
so I mkdir a root/Desktop folder
the installer then completes by putting three files in root/Desktop.
KBasic.desktop Readme.desktop Uninstall.Desktop
the rest of the files are in root/kbasic
running kbide from there begins KBasic

I don't know if that applies to Ubuntu 8.1 because I changed to Kubuntu 8.1 when
I found that the lack of KDE Dolphin, Konqueror made it harder to find the above out.
I am happy now that I have both varieties of KBasic running on a dual boot
computer core duo in Vista and Linux with the availability to transfer the projects
from one to the other.
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Re: Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

Postby berndnoetscher » Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:38 pm

Thanks for the information.

I plan to improve the installer, so that it will check for directories and locations in future.
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Re: Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

Postby HeatPro » Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:43 pm

I tried to install KBasic Linux on a new Debian install as the Kubuntu install was having boot fade problems.
The Debian install was good and stable, but KBasic will not install on Debian as it uses the stable GLIB_2.3
configure: error: *** GLIB >= 2.4.0 not installed! ***

I reinstalled KBasic on Kubuntu after rewriting Kubuntu over the Debian.
After first making the /root/Desktop directory, the install is immediate.
Drag the KBasic shortcut to the real home/Desktop directory and it runs well from that click.
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