Disillusioned, eager to go on...

Disillusioned, eager to go on...

Postby Henning » Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:51 pm


It's been about one year, and stacked Frames keeping child controls still doesn't work. The Qt version of stacked frames works like a charm.

Last update to KB was in december 2010?

Q7B still under developement with lots of flaws, that makes it less useful as by current version.

And yes, I know the hard work done. Keep up the good work, the outstanding Basic is about to come true. ;)

Posts: 262
Joined: Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:03 am
Location: Sweden

Re: Disillusioned, eager to go on...

Postby berndnoetscher » Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:39 am

Henning wrote:Hi,

It's been about one year, and stacked Frames keeping child controls still doesn't work. The Qt version of stacked frames works like a charm.

Last update to KB was in december 2010?

Q7B still under developement with lots of flaws, that makes it less useful as by current version.

And yes, I know the hard work done. Keep up the good work, the outstanding Basic is about to come true. ;)


Hi Henning,

a new q7b version will come soon with major improvements. My wife got ill, so I haven't had much time the last days.
To give you an idea. Here is working example code:

Code: Select all
Type book 
  bkname As String * 2000
  isbn[10] As Integer 
End Type

Type address
  books[10] As book
  age[10] As Integer 
  Names As String * 1000
  a As book   
End Type

'Dim was As Integer = 123

Sub test99()     
  Dim i As Integer
  If i <> 1 Then : i = 11111: End If
  If i <> 1 Then : i = 11111: Else i = 88 : End If
  If i <> 1 Then : i = 11111: Else If i <> 2 Then : i = 111 : End If
  If i <> 1 Then
    i = 11111 : i = 9
  Else If i = 2 * 10 Then
    i = 22222
    i = 33333
  End If
  If i = 0 Then i = 99 
  If i = 0 Then i = 299 Else i = 488
  If i = 0 Then i = 399 Else If i <> 2 Then i = 111 Else i = 588 End If

  IIf(True, MsgBox("a"), MsgBox("b"))
  IIf(True, MsgBox("1") : MsgBox("2") : MsgBox("3"), MsgBox("b") : MsgBox("!!!!")) 
  IIf(True, MsgBox("1")_
   : MsgBox("2") : MsgBox("3"), MsgBox("b")_ : MsgBox("!!!!")) 
  For i = 0 To 10
    Exit For
    Iterate For
    MsgBox("For Next")
  Next i
  Do While True
    Exit Do
    Iterate Do
    MsgBox("Do While")
  Do While True : Exit Do : Iterate Do : MsgBox("Do While") : Loop
  Select Case i : Case 1, 2, 3 : MsgBox("lkj") : Case 5 To 10 : MsgBox("lkjaaaaaaaaa") : Case 55 : MsgBox("lkjbbbbb") : End Select 
  Select Case i
    Case 1, 2, 3
    Case 5 To 10
    Case 55
  End Select
End Sub

Function test9() : MsgBox("a")
  'test9 = "SCHONNENTAG"
 ' Exit Function
End Function

Sub Main()
'  MsgBox("1")
'  MsgBox(ClassName$(Me))
'  MsgBox(test9())
'  Exit Sub
'  MsgBox("2")
 ' MsgBox("!!!!!!oder heho!!??!!")
'  Dim c As Integer

'  For c = 0 To 2
''  For c = 2 To 0 Step -1
'    MsgBox(c)
'  Next

  Dim oo As address
'  MsgBox(UBound(oo.age, 0))

 ' MsgBox("oo", oo)
'  oo.age[9] = 123
'  MsgBox(oo.age[9])

'  oo.Names = "mira"
'  MsgBox(oo.Names) 
 ' oo.age[1] = 123
 ' MsgBox(oo.age[1])
'  MsgBox(oo.age)

 ' MsgBox("oo", oo)
  Dim j[10] As address
'  With j[5]
'    .age[1] = 123
'    MsgBox(.age[1])
'    With .books[5]
'      .bkname = "isn 't it funny"
'      MsgBox(.bkname)
'    End With
'  End With
'  j[5].Names = "bernd"
'  MsgBox(j[5].Names) 
  j[5].age[1] = 123
  MsgBox("j", j)
  MsgBox("j[5]", j[5])
  j[5].a.isbn[8] = 1000
  j[5].books[3].bkname = "isn't it funny"
  MsgBox("j[5].books[3].bkname", j[5].books[3].bkname)
  j[5].Names = "du da"
  MsgBox("j[5].Names", j[5].Names)
  MsgBox("j[5]", j[5])
  'MsgBox(LBound(j, 1))
End Sub
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