OpenSuSE 10.3 Installation Problem

If you have problems with the installation of KBasic, you are right here

OpenSuSE 10.3 Installation Problem

Postby sutterp » Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:28 am

I need a development tool that allows cross platform (Linux, MAC, WindowsXP) deployment of software. KBasic might be the tool of my choice, if I only could get it to work under OpenSuSE 10.3.

I downloaded installer_kbasic_professional_linux.bin to my home directory, then executed it. The installation did not produce any errors and has created two desktop icons, KBasic and Uninstall.

When I click on KBasic, nothing happens.

I start a terminal window and execute
Code: Select all
/home/sutterp/kbasic/kbide: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I am sure that is installed because:
Code: Select all
sutterp@basilisk:~> locate

Oh, maybe KBasic looks in the wrong place, therefore:
Code: Select all
basilisk:~ #ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib/

Now KBasic finds the library, but:
Code: Select all
sutterp@basilisk:~> /home/sutterp/kbasic/kbide
/home/sutterp/kbasic/kbide: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

What do I try next?


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Location: Wanneroo Western Australia

Re: OpenSuSE 10.3 Installation Problem

Postby berndnoetscher » Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:34 am

Do you run a 32bit or a 64bit Linux?

Looks like a problem related to 32bit vs. 64bit. KBasic is compiled for 32bit.
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Re: OpenSuSE 10.3 Installation Problem

Postby sutterp » Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:49 pm

It is a 64 bit SuSE V 10.3. I have tried to install the 32 bit libraries, but yast persistently alters the selection and consequently installs the 64 bit versions.
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Location: Wanneroo Western Australia

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