
Questions regarding syntax


Postby lavictom » Fri May 13, 2011 12:16 am

I am long time searching for some development environment, with which I can create both Windows and Linux graphical applications. So I was glad, when I found KBasic. I downloaded it and now on my night shift I am trying to play with it. I am now six hours stuck with MenuBar. Manipulating with MenuBar in IDE is anything but intuitive. After for hours I definitly found, how to delete anything from menus and add it. But I couldn't find, how to add to end of menu. Anytime, I created new menu item, it was not on end. And still, after 6 hours I don't know, how to show it in my application. I still get just blank form. Please, can somebody help me with it? I searched documentation, both online and downloaded and couldn't find anything. I even searched whole forum and found just one question (year 2008), without answer.
Thx for help.

This question is not important anymore. I started work with classes and found that even for loop doesn't work OK - whole application crashed, when it come to Next statement. So I uninstalled whole KBasic and now I am starting to search any other GUI compiler w/ RAD, which can produce both Windows and Linux executables. You can also remove me from members of this forum. Thanx anyway, maybe in the future, when KBasic will be less buggy, I'll try it again.
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Joined: Thu May 12, 2011 10:04 pm

Re: MenuBar

Postby Henning » Fri May 13, 2011 12:06 pm

Wooww, after a long time searching, giving up after a few hours...

Posting a Q with your For/Next code would have solved what you did wrong.

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Re: MenuBar

Postby Slowdown » Fri May 13, 2011 3:01 pm

Have used more than once a for next loop and the only time the code crashed the error was behind the keyboard :roll:
Slowdown for now i'm back
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