kbasic rewritten as 2.x versions

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kbasic rewritten as 2.x versions

Postby berndnoetscher » Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:32 am

I plan to rewrite all parts of kbasic released as 2.x versions. The compiler will be to rewritten using Qt libraries for its internal structures (now it has its own C/C++ implementation for list of classes etc.) The IDE and Runtime will be rewritten as well. Due to the large set of commands and file structures, I would like to have some way to make it easier to add new features to the language. I think of an compiler generator (something generating the needed files). As I hope that the existing code base of kbasic helps me to have this big task done as fast as possible.
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Re: kbasic rewritten as 2.x versions

Postby berndnoetscher » Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:23 am

The next generation of kbasic will look like this:

+ It will be faster (due to compilation to C++)
+ It will be have a very thin runtime (maintaining and fixing bugs will be easier, I hope so :-)
+ the IDE and commands will be nearly the same.

Already did something like that for another development environment/compiler for Mac and it is working. See http://www.objective-basic.com

Conclusion: KBasic will be as before, but the internal structure will be slightly different. The API won't change.
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