Stacked Frames

Questions regarding syntax

Stacked Frames

Postby Henning » Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:20 pm


Is there any way to achive Frames with Controls on them to get stacked in a pile, keeping the controls where they belong. I have requested this from B a long time ago, but I know he is really busy keeping up with two versions of K- & Q7Basic.
This is about the last part missing from my VB6 -> KB project, everything else works as a charm.

Would it be possible to use Qt's StackedFrames in KB? Or is Q7B near a working version for Win-XP?

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Re: Stacked Frames

Postby berndnoetscher » Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:24 am

Hi Henning,
for KBasic, I plan to fix bugs only. But as I wrote before, Q7Basic will be the replacement in the long run for all KBasic applications with a rewritten KBasic's form designer as well.
Q7Basic (for XP as well) is about to be released the next days with mingw + vs support, mysql, postgresql, sqlite, garbage collector for Qt and debugger support. The installation will find all needed paths, so no manual configuration required. Please be patient. The next step after that is fixing missing small TODOs and a final V1 release of Q7Basic.

Hennig, can you place a small example showing the problem? Maybe someone has an idea how to solve it.
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Re: Stacked Frames

Postby Henning » Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:39 am

To reproduce:

Place two equally sized Frames on a form.
Place some controls on each Frame.
Drag one frame on top of the other.
Drag it off again or try Zorder to move the bottom frame on top.
The controls will not follow the original frame they were placed on.
I need to have 12 Frames with different controls stacked, representing the setup for different external hardware.

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