saving durable data

Questions regarding syntax

saving durable data

Postby Egor » Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:22 pm

I haven’t done any programming for about 20 years. Obviously some things have changed dramatically in that time. I have a project that I would like to program so I downloaded a language (KBASIC) and I am having a hard time finding anything recognizable.

I originally learned FORTRAN. BASIC was similar and that is where I did most of my programming. I also learned PASCAL but I didn’t actually do much programming in that language.

Here is my specific problem:

In the olden days . . . when you wanted to keep durable data -- data that did not die when the machine was turned off -- you placed it in a DATA FILE. There were two types: Sequential files, and Random Access Files. To access a file the program would first OPEN the file. Then data was read or written using PUT and GET statements.

I cannot find anything in any of the documentation that tells me how to store and use durable data. Could someone give me a clue as to what words to look under to store and use durable data??

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Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:09 pm

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