
Re: QtBasic

Postby Henning » Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:21 pm

I find it hard to belive that, MySQL is *not* depending on the flamework. And it would surprice me if they ever decide to move there. I'm convinced that the speed of MySQL would be a great dissapointment on the flamework.

Would the use of the VC2008 compiler need both the Qt Framework *and* the dotnot flamework to run the app in windows?

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Re: QtBasic

Postby yogiyang » Sat Aug 28, 2010 7:27 am

Henning wrote:Would the use of the VC2008 compiler need both the Qt Framework *and* the dotnot flamework to run the app in windows?/Henning

Not at all. Using VC2008 does not mean that the apps compiled by it with will require .NET Framework. If you create any managed VC apps then they will require .NET Framework to run not those that are compiled as Native/Unmanaged Apps. And Q7Basic will instruct VC2008 compile to generate native/unmanaged apps.

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