Timer resolution

Questions regarding syntax

Re: Timer resolution

Postby Henning » Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:16 pm

Since Windows is a multitasking OS, your ability to keep-up with a fast timer is nill. At best expect a steady 16 ms, depending on other tasks running.

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Re: Timer resolution

Postby eve » Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:00 am

Hi pappawinni,

I never used the ns resolution : I just found the calling function in the language reference...

But I did use the ms resolution and precision with ccRPTimer under Windows.

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Re: Timer resolution

Postby Slowdown » Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:39 pm

Most controls (perhaps all) and even the forms do have a TimerInterval property with a resolution of ms
perhaps you can use that.
Again just a thought.
Slowdown for now i'm back
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