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Migration VB6 a Kbasic.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:00 pm
by Gerardo Sagbay
Greetings, please we need help to migrate ERP done in VB6, SQL 2000 and Crystal Reports, to Linux. We have seen this powerful tool KBasic, we thought we could help move all the code and be able to implement multi-platform.
We need support to do so, we have good expertise in VB6, we know its feasibility and ecomnomicamente are ready to work with the project.
Thanks for your support.

Re: Migration VB6 a Kbasic.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 1:16 am
by Henning
Hi Gerado,

Not enough info.

You could try to import the vb6 app, then ask for code that can not be parsed.

I guess SQL 2000 is not working in Linux, you could convert the db to MySQL, there are tools for that.

If, as a guess from the type of app, there is a lot of Windows API calls, those will have to be rewritten for use in Qt.

There seems to be some CR version or clones for Linux around.

Something positive is when all this is once done, you have an Win/Linux/MAC app. :)
