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Instructional "How To" Manuals Installing QT and KBasic

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:43 am
by Nexus
Hi Everyone,

Here at Kbasic it appears that this is a great piece of software that could be used on the linux platform. A lot of work has gone into this software (Thanks Kbasic!) and I for one would love to use it. However, when hunting around for answers on how to install "Qt" for example, even on different linux platforms such as Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Fedora, etc., and/or other versions, there are many vague answers to behold... often times with frustrating ends to no results - and often times the potential user leaves no answer that the install was a success...

During such "trying" times, this can leave many running in many different circles as though through revolving doors, finding outdated links or dead threads, etc, - I could go on and on, but I would love to help out with this. Would it be possible that each and everyone of you who have had success in Installing Qt and/or Kbasic on different platforms provide information? I have a lab here in which I can capture screens in realtime with all tried and true ways of installations and re-package them up in a PDF form and re-distribute them here or somewhere in so that others can have access and can try out this great software without the history and proven hassles that others had already faced and/or currently facing?

My proffession is putting together instructional manuals, and one proven method for understanding that has always worked is "reference". This means by pictures or illustrations. Many people, even some of the most brightest need such references.

As of right now, there are plenty of new distro's flying around and many bugs that still need to be worked out, but I have all the patience in the world to put something together and donate back so that others have at least a "fighting" chance to try. Please feel free to provide your installation instructions, your thoughts, tricks, etc. and/or what you've done on the most recent distros to install KBasic along with QT, and I will provide your name(s) who have contributed in putting together a no-fail instructional installation manual.

If there are already instructional manuals that exist, please excuse my ignorance and if possible please point me in the right direction as to where these manuals may be...

Happy coding everyone and thank you ahead of time!


Re: Instructional "How To" Manuals Installing QT and KBasic

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:34 am
by berndnoetscher
Hello Keith,

writing documentation about the installation is a good idea. As Q7Basic is the successor of KBasic, I would prefer to have it done for Q7Basic though.

It is advanced:

There is a source delpoyment available, which works on all Linux platforms.

Re: Instructional "How To" Manuals Installing QT and KBasic

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:12 am
by Nexus
Hello Bern,

Thanks for the reply! I would certainly love to support Q7Basic in this fashion, although, I have never used it. In regards to deployment, how easy is it to migrate
applications from a VB.NET Platform from your stand point?

Because I am only vaguely familiar with Linux, I Just have a few other questions;

1. When installing Q7Basic, is there a particular OS (most stable) that you would reccomend to start with for easy deployment and usage?

2. When installing "Qt" how should the "Qt" installation be handled? By deafault?

3. Will "Qt" need to be configured to install to particular directories? If so, which ones and/or how would you reccomend?

Bern, thank you for all your answers!



Re: Instructional "How To" Manuals Installing QT and KBasic

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:57 pm
by Slowdown
Hi Keith,

If you can wait,
I'm using Q7B on the Windows platform so i have some experience with Q7B.
My native platform is OSX, so i use Q7B with VirtualBox.
In the upcoming weekend i will try to make some time free for installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox and installing Q7B.
Will post do's and don'ts in the Q7Basic forum
Can't promisse it for sure because at this moment i'm long hours at work.
(p.s. it's Bernd)

Re: Instructional "How To" Manuals Installing QT and KBasic

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:31 am
by Nexus
Hi Bernd,

Thanks for the reply! I know what it is like to be working many hours as I am in the same position so, no rush – take your time… I’ve never really had the chance
or experience to program on the OSX platform as of yet. As of right now, I am still in the process of “bringing up” a few boxes mainly to test a few distro’s on the
Linux platform, but my main or native platform has been with windows using languages C, C++, C#, Java, Perl, Python, SQL, mySQL and Visual Basic.

This normally comes with a mix of JavaScript, PHP, HTML and ASP. My main language is more Visual Basic than anything else; as I use to interface, connect
and create databases for extensions of NI Test Stand. Unfortunately, NI Test stand only runs on the windows platform. However, the connections to these databases
are only endless to the creative on any platform with the wide variety of languages available today.

The company I work for is looking to restrict MS licenses to the PC’s only running NI Test Stand and in turn, have the corporate users move on into Linux (Suggested
Ubuntu 10.10/11.04) to program these databases and analyze data. At the same time, I’ve been appointed to develop installation instructions and train programmers
to work with Visual Basic in Linux somewhere by Febuary of 2012 – so no worries about time.

In all, I felt that this was a great opportunity to get started and help contribute some really great installation instructions through testing and guided by those
who are more experienced like yourself.

So again, no rush and I look forward to your posts and collaboration!


Re: Instructional "How To" Manuals Installing QT and KBasic

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:39 am
by Slowdown
Hi Keith,
just for the record i'm not Bernd ;)
I have placed a short tutorial for installing Q7Basic on the Q7Basic forum.

Re: Instructional "How To" Manuals Installing QT and KBasic

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:26 am
by Nexus
Hi Slowdown,
Apologies on the name mix-up... It was long day and for some reason I failed to recognize. For me, the only logical conclusion is that the issue was somewhere between the chair and the keyboard that night during a do while loop.

Excellent, excellent post too! Thank you very, very much! Shortly, I will be “growing” a PDF together and would like to include your name if that is possible or ok with you? I can certainly fill in any holes, details, etc, also including some database examples in the near future, so the installation manual would have a few extras to get others introduced and started.


Re: Instructional "How To" Manuals Installing QT and KBasic

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:52 pm
by Slowdown
Hi Keith,
Apologies on the name mix-up... It was long day and for some reason I failed to recognize.

No problem Keith.
PDF together and would like to include your name if that is possible or ok with you?

I have no problem with that what so ever.
You can find my real name in examples of KBasic and Q7Basic.
so the installation manual would have a few extras to get others introduced and started.

That would be nice if you want do do that.
If you want to know something don't hesitate to ask, if i can i like to help.

Re: Instructional "How To" Manuals Installing QT and KBasic

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:33 pm
by Slowdown
Hi Keith,

Don't know if you're still around but there is a new one.