GUI Programming for games.

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GUI Programming for games.

Postby gbison » Tue May 17, 2011 4:22 pm

Hello all,

Just popped back in to check and see if the new version was out but looks like its not yet :( . While I was here I thought I would ask a question ;) . I am coding a 3D game engine in Dark Basic Professional. For those of you who are not familiar with it, it is a procedural BASIC language and to be honest its ability to build forms and or in my case GUI interfaces is near to none unless you do it all by hand, which would take months.

So what Im considering is using KBASIC to build the engines backend GUI interface. Again, Ive only created a few simple projects with KBASIC and I love the language (cant wait for the new version) but at the same time im still a little fuzzy on what all can be done effectively with it. So that being said, Im working to code my engine so that it will read various variables from an .ini file. I want to build a GUI interface to configure this .ini file with KBASIC, so is that possible, can KBASIC read and write to an .ini file with ease? :?:

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist" . ;-)
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Re: GUI Programming for games.

Postby Slowdown » Tue May 17, 2011 6:49 pm

Hi gbison,

You're referring to viewtopic.php?f=8&t=809&sid=777a6421f178fb0f4e7f76456bc4c47d#p3364
Bernd is telling there that there will be (allready is) a successor of KBasic.
He is spending a lot of time on Q7Basic wich is the successor.
You can find it here
The last version is ALPHA 29-April-2011 and i can tell you it's a lot faster than KBasic and i think
it has a lot of potential.
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Re: GUI Programming for games.

Postby gbison » Wed May 18, 2011 2:36 pm

Hey Slowdown,

Thanks for the reply downloaded it yesterday and man its a whole different ball game. Actually a little

Anyway thanks for the link.

However I guess my question still stands about reading and writing and .ini file, is that possible and if so what methods may be used?
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist" . ;-)
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Re: GUI Programming for games.

Postby Slowdown » Wed May 18, 2011 2:48 pm

Hi gbison,

To answer you're question yes it can quite easy.
There is in the examples a project you can look at file.kbasic_project this one shows you some way's how
to manipulate files.
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