Date formatting...

Questions regarding syntax

Re: Date formatting...

Postby cpcarranza » Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:26 pm

Thanks a lot ! :D

That was very usefull, Thank you both !

I hope Bernd fixs it soon, so we can keep trying both the beta and stable releases....

P.S. I did a short func without the "," since We only use "," in this country 8-)

Thanks and Good Luck !
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Re: Date formatting...

Postby pappawinni » Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:54 pm

Hi cp,

This means you just wanted a comma as decimal character
and do not need the thousands separator, right ?

Pappa makes everything what otherwise none likes :)
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Re: Date formatting...

Postby Slowdown » Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:57 pm

P.S. I have a similar problem with FORMAT using " , " for numbers.... I want "1,000" but always get "1000"

That's why i started with my (not correct working) function.
Do you know what's the problem is at this moment, i'm thinking to start writing it again and this time
a correct working version :roll:

why is this one pulling on me :twisted:
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Re: Date formatting...

Postby pappawinni » Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:37 pm

Hi Slowdown,

Worked on yours a bit..
.. but am not really satisfied with it..

Code: Select all
Private function FormatNum(fNum as Double, fStr as String, lfttr as Boolean = True, rttr as boolean = True) as String
  Dim thdSep as String = ","
  Dim DecSep as String = "."
  Dim LeftFormat as Integer
  Dim RightFormat as Integer
  Dim Lus as Integer
  Dim CharCount as Integer = 0
  Dim LusStr As String
  Dim strSign as string=""
  Dim dblNum as double
  Dim intRemain as integer
  Dim strRemain as String
  Dim intPreDec as integer
  Dim strPreDec as String
  Dim iSignific as integer
  Dim iSep as integer
  dblNum = fNum
  If fNum<0 then
    dblNum = abs(dblNum)
    strSign = "-"
  End if 
  LeftFormat = (instr(1, fStr, ".")) - 1
  RightFormat = len(fStr) - LeftFormat - 1
  If Instr(1, fStr, ",") >= 1 then 
    DecSep = ","
    thdSep = "."
    LeftFormat = (instr(1, fStr, ",")) - 1
    RightFormat = len(fStr) - LeftFormat - 1
  End If

  intPreDec = int(dblNum)
  strPreDec = strSign & trim(format(intPreDec,"###############."))

  if dblNum - intPreDec > 0 Then
    intRemain = int((dblNum - intPreDec) * 1e10)
    strRemain = right("000000000000000" & trim(format(intRemain,"###############.")),10)
    strRemain = ""
  End If
  iSignific = len( val( StrReverse(strRemain) & "1" ) ) - 1
  strRemain = Left( strRemain, iSignific )
? dblNum, intPredec, intRemain

  iSep = int(log(dblNum) / log(10.0)) \ 3
  CharCount = 0
  For Lus = Len(strPreDec) to 1 step -1
    CharCount = CharCount + 1
    LusStr = Mid(strPreDec, Lus, 1) & LusStr
    If CharCount = 3 and iSep > 0  Then
      LusStr = thdSep & LusStr
      CharCount = 0
      iSep = iSep - 1
    End If
  strPreDec = LusStr
  if lfttr = True and LeftFormat > len(strPreDec) Then
    strPreDec = Space(LeftFormat - Len(strPreDec)) & strPreDec
  End If
  If rttr = True Then
    strRemain = Left(strRemain + Fill("0", "0", RightFormat), RightFormat)
  End If
  Return strPreDec & DecSep & strRemain
End Function
Pappa makes everything what otherwise none likes :)
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Re: Date formatting...

Postby Slowdown » Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:40 am

Hi pappawinni,
Can you help me with the following ?
found something i can't explain.
Code: Select all
Private Sub Form_OnOpen()
  Dim RInt as integer
  dim RDoub as double
  dim RSingle as single
  dim RCur as currency
  dim RDec as Decimal
  dim RStr as String
  dim RVar as Variant
  log "Integer 22/7  = " & RInt
  log "Double 22/7   = " & RDoub
  log "Single 22/7   = " & RSingle
  log "Currency 22/7 = " & RCur
  log "Decimal 22/7  = " & RDec
  log "String 22/7   = " & RStr
  log "Variant 22/7  = " & RVar
End Sub

The output of RCur and RDec are in my opinion strange.
Slowdown for now i'm back
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Re: Date formatting...

Postby cpcarranza » Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:10 pm

@ pappawinni

Hi cp,

This means you just wanted a comma as decimal character
and do not need the thousands separator, right ?


No, I'm from Mexico and use the comma as the thousands separator: 1,000,000.00
I just mean that I will change the function's parameters and will avoid using: strThousandSep as String = "", actualy I will put the function in a module for re-using on other programas and will be call: formatNum :D

Thanks !
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Re: Date formatting...

Postby pappawinni » Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:10 pm

Slowdown wrote:...The output of RCur and RDec are in my opinion strange.

autsch ... really strange.

and if you want PI.. then dont use 22/7 but use a double PI and
PI = atn(1.0) * 4.0
for outout do not just use "Print Pi" or "log PI" but use e.g. "log format( PI , "X.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX")"
or my XStr-function (Board "User functions") :lol:
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Re: Date formatting...

Postby Slowdown » Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:31 pm

Was thinking about my own Format function and did some testing that's why the 22/7 ;)
for outout do not just use "Print Pi" or "log PI" but use e.g. "log format( PI , "X.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX")"
or my XStr-function (Board "User functions")

Yeah right that's the point with your function or the KBasic Format function it will be to easy :D
Slowdown for now i'm back
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Re: Date formatting...

Postby pappawinni » Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:34 pm

Hi Slowdown,

Think the strategie (algorithm) then should be.. let me think...

- take absolute value but keep sign in mind
- Analyse the format and find how to transform the number given.
- Transform (round, cut or so) the number as far as necessary
- if necessary (could also just be .1234) take the left part of the number, convert to a string and insert thousands-seperators as far as necessary
- if necessary put sign
- if necessary (could also just be 123 ) take the right part of the number, convert to a string)
- if required, replace "." by "," and vice versa, probably take some totally different placeholders first?

For the right part (Remainder) - if you do not want to use format function - you may need a special approach.
perhaps something like this:
Code: Select all
sub main ()

dim dblPi as double
dim iC as integer
dim i as integer
dim iSignific as integer
dim iRemainder as integer
dim strRemainder as string
dim dblRemainder as double

dblPi = atn(1)*4

dblRemainder = dblPi - dblPi \ 1
'required number of decimals
iRemainder = 6

if iRemainder <16 then dblRemainder = dblRemainder + 0.5 * (10.0)^(-iRemainder)
'create string
for i = 1 to iRemainder
  dblremainder = dblremainder * 10
  ic = iif(i<16 , dblremainder \ 1 , 0 )
  dblremainder = dblremainder - ic
  strRemainder = strRemainder & ic
'find significant decimals
iSignific = iRemainder
for i = iRemainder to 1 Step -1
  if mid(strRemainder,i,1)="0" then
    iSignific = iSignific - 1
  end if
? strRemainder
? iSignific
end sub

Pappa makes everything what otherwise none likes :)
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