missing dep; SuSe 11.1 **64 bit**

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missing dep; SuSe 11.1 **64 bit**

Postby Starman9x » Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:58 pm

I'm down to one dependancy I can't quite resolve -- libQtWebKit.so.4 -- it DOES exist under /usr/lib64, but not under /usr/lib.

I tried pointing the /lib to /lib64, but perhaps I did it wrong (entirely likely...).

any other SuSE users out there? I see on the download page this was released ONE DAY prior to the release of (open)SuSE 11.1

(not very good timing, guys...)

I did have to install a few "32 bit" versions of libraries to satisfy the installer and some other unresolved items, but this seems to be the last sticking point.
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Re: missing dep; SuSe 11.1 **64 bit**

Postby berndnoetscher » Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:16 am

Starman9x wrote:I'm down to one dependancy I can't quite resolve -- libQtWebKit.so.4 -- it DOES exist under /usr/lib64, but not under /usr/lib.

I tried pointing the /lib to /lib64, but perhaps I did it wrong (entirely likely...).

any other SuSE users out there? I see on the download page this was released ONE DAY prior to the release of (open)SuSE 11.1

(not very good timing, guys...)

I did have to install a few "32 bit" versions of libraries to satisfy the installer and some other unresolved items, but this seems to be the last sticking point.

Well, 64bit is not offically supported and I cannot help you, because I do not run 64bit systems, but you have the chance to download the source codes and compile it on your system, so that the dependencies might change to your needs (be warned it might not work, because of your 64bit system).


Anyway, I am curious that there is no 64bit libQtWebKit.so.4
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Re: missing dep; SuSe 11.1 **64 bit**

Postby Starman9x » Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:49 pm

berndnoetscher wrote:
Anyway, I am curious that there is no 64bit libQtWebKit.so.4

Actually, it's the other way around -- the library exists in 64-bit form, but not in the 32-bit version.

As I understand it, this provides the ability to include web-browser components in your programs -- I don't use those, so this is not a strict requirement for me. I wonder, though, does the IDE make use of "browser" components?

What I'm getting at is this -- could this be marked somehow as an optional library? [not sure if linux even supports such an idea...] or perhaps make it dynamically loadable?
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Re: missing dep; SuSe 11.1 **64 bit**

Postby berndnoetscher » Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:30 am

The IDE uses the webkit component for the form designer showing html pages at design time. There is no way to switch this off easily. The best solution would be having kbasic as 64bit version. I will add this to may TODO list checking all sources codes for 32/64bit issues, but this won't happen before April 2009, I guess. I am sorry for that.
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Re: missing dep; SuSe 11.1 **64 bit**

Postby Starman9x » Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:47 am

No problem -- glad I could uncover something :)

as it is, I'll likely re-install 11.1 as 32-bit at the expense of [presumably] better performance of 64 bit since this isn't the only thing that has "acted strangely" with this version installed. Perhaps with 11.2 I'll try 64 bits again, which I wouldn't expect before April either...
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Re: missing dep; SuSe 11.1 **64 bit**

Postby occhigrigi » Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:31 pm

Hi everybody, just registered to answer this question
I'm running kbasic un opensuse 11.1 64bit, solved the webkit problem downloading and forcing the installation of the i586 version of webkit.
So you can do (as root)
wget "http://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/mirrors/opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Qt44/openSUSE_11.1/i586/libQtWebKit4-4.4.3+20090111-2.1.i586.rpm"
rpm --force --nodeps libQtWebKit4-4.4.3+20090111-2.1.i586.rpm

By the way, here's the list of qt related packages installed to make KBASIC install and work


Now going to test the IDE.
Hope this helps
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