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I HATE Walmart!At one time in my working life I was an employee of a local grocery chain. It was a union shop and I was constantly aware of what negotiated union stipulations meant in everyday working conditions, from your ability to take advanatage of better paying shifts, to basic harassment in the workplace. I personally am sure that Walmart has a history of exploiting it’s workers in ways that a basic union contract would prevent. However the reason I hate Walmart is that when I can’t find a product I need or want someplace else, I find it at Walmart! I personally believe we as a society have to resolve within our own borders, what we force upon others to achieve “low prices” If we blindly vote with our dollars for businesses that cut prices by unfairly treating their employess then we slit our own throats economically. We have gotten to the point that we no longer accept our responsibility to be our brothers keeper and no longer analyze or care about the good of anyone but ourselves. If we cannot resolve that within our borders, how can we claim any more wisdom for negotiations outside our borders?

de_press.txt · Last modified: 2013/05/22 11:23 by