Qbasic compatibility

Questions regarding syntax

Qbasic compatibility

Postby dollyknot » Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:05 pm


Gave KBasic a plug on my local LUG and someone came back saying, could it run the QBasic Gorillas program?
Send me the code I said, which is here


and I will try, it started throwing up errors, I have not the slightest interest in getting Gorilla working, but if the community wants total compatibility with QBasic something in KBasic's source code needs tweaking. I am not asking for this to be done, just pointing it out in case anyone is interested :)


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Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:39 pm

Re: Qbasic compatibility

Postby Slowdown » Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:07 pm

Hi Peter,
QBasic is about 20 years old i don't think that it's realistic to expect that KBasic is compatible
with QBasic.
QBasic programs also won't run in VB6 without completely rewrite them.
Sometimes you must leave the past in the past ;)
Slowdown for now i'm back
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Re: Qbasic compatibility

Postby dollyknot » Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:18 pm

Yes I'm aware of this which is why I wrote "I am not asking for this to be done, just pointing it out in case anyone is interested :)"

KBasic is awesome but not perfect, that is all.

I forgot the old saying 'perfection is only a direction never a destination'.

I have a project I want to do, if anyone is interested.

I bought a Redrat, from http://www.redrat.co.uk/

The Lirc people are working on an Redrat driver to go into the new kernel, but I would like to get it working now.
Basically my idea is to photograph my 4 remotes and some how or other turn the images into forms and make clickable buttons to record the IR codes in a database, then be able to click on the buttons to control my media.


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