Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

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Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

Postby forisco » Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:58 pm

Hi, when i try to install kbasic on my ubuntu gutsy ribbon i obtain the error in this image : why?
Schermata.png (106.38 KiB) Viewed 3113 times
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Re: Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

Postby berndnoetscher » Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:44 pm

Creation the desktop icons fails, because the installer assumes there is a Desktop directory on your machine, but Ubuntu does not have it?

Just ignore it and run KBasic, by clicking on kbide in the directory of KBasic.
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Re: Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

Postby forisco » Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:07 pm

Hi Bernd,
i clicked on kbide but don't run nothing! I'm wronging?
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Re: Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

Postby berndnoetscher » Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:55 pm

forisco wrote:Hi Bernd,
i clicked on kbide but don't run nothing! I'm wronging?

Check out the Ubuntu related topics in the installation forum. You need to install Qt 4.2 with sql support.
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Re: Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

Postby forisco » Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:57 pm

I don't have an error message, just nothing happens!
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Re: Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

Postby kkbs » Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:36 pm

1. Go in the terminal and type
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install libqt4-sql

2. Type
Code: Select all
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Re: Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

Postby ojlofranom » Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:46 am

I have the same problem and when arrive to the next step this is the response:

oscar@OLTOSHIBA-LINUX:~$ ~/kbasic/kbide
/home/oscar/kbasic/kbide: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Thank for you attention
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Re: Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

Postby berndnoetscher » Sat Oct 25, 2008 2:00 pm

You need to have installed all available Qt 4.4 libraries. It seems not all libraries are installed or are installed in the wrong location. See the download page on the bottom for more information.
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Re: Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

Postby eimime » Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:33 pm

For those installing on Ubuntu 8.04 -- the supported repository of libQT for 8.04 doesn't contain libQTWebKit and so KBASIC will install but will not run either when clicking on the icon or calling from the command line. And it's not safe to install libQtWebKit from another version of libQT. The easy solution is to go to Synaptic Package Manager-->Administration-->Software Sources, click on the Updates tab and then click to check the "Unsupported updates (hardy backports)" option and Close. IGNORE THE NOTIFICATION IN THE UPPER RIGHT PANEL THAT THERE ARE NOW NEW UPDATES TO BE INSTALLED -- this notification has appeared because "backports" has other updates you don't need and may not want! Go to Synaptic Package Manager and search for QT and select and install all of the libQT packages required in the KBASIC dependencies list (this includes After these have all been installed, go back to Software Sources-->Updates tab and uncheck "Unsupported updates (hardy backports)" so that you will not continue getting notices to download software from backports!

You will find some of the libQT packages in the wrong locations (for example, packages in /usr/lib which are required in /lib, and in /usr/lib/kde4 but required in /usr/lib). I found the easiest way to correct for this problem was to open Nautilus from the terminal console with super privileges ("sudo -s", enter password, then Nautilus). Then navigate to each of the library files that the misplaced lib dependencies point to (ALL OF THE MISPLACED FILES WERE ACTUALLY JUST links TO THE ACTUAL SHARED LIB FILES NEEDED BY KBASIC) and right click on each of the shared lib files and choose Make Link. You will then need to copy the new Link file to the expected dependency location, and rename it to the expected name -- for example, You are now ready to install and run KBASIC, or just run it if already installed.

Any problem with icons which couldn't be installed because of a lack of a Desktop can be solved by running it from a console (./kbide.) or finding the kbide file in the KBASIC folder and creating a link which you can put on your equivalent of a desktop.

If the icons for KBASIC are on your desktop but locked, you can access them from the console as root and change their permissions, then use or move or delete them as you wish. In any case you should now be able to run KBASIC by clicking on the Desktop icon or by calling from a console (./kbide).
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Re: Error in the Installation on Ubuntu

Postby ojlofranom » Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:52 am


I take one week trying to install and that it starts up "kbasic" but anything. Surpass different barriers and when I thought that it already went it is to start up the system (KUbuntu 8.04) fires the following message:

Cannot mix incompatible Qt libraries

What can I make since I'm not very practice in linux to eliminate this conflict? Help me please.

Thank you

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