KBasic v2

KBasic v2

Postby elgunvo » Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:00 am

Hi all,

I was just wondering if there was any news regarding KBasic v2? I remember reading somewhere that the release was going to be around the 30th September. I have heard so much about the new features i would like to get stuck in :)

Any information on the release date would be great :)

*This is not a pushing message, just interested :)
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Re: KBasic v2

Postby Slowdown » Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:03 pm

Hi elgunvo,

KBasic V2 = Q7Basic at this moment it's in Alpha stage.
At this moment i'm trying out the Mac version, sorry to tell that the Windows version isn't working
at this moment.
Bernd is working on that so be patient.
More about Q7Basic can be found on http://www.q7basic.org and http://www.q7basic.org/forum/index.php
also one topic below yours http://www.kbasic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=731 ;)
Slowdown for now i'm back
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Re: KBasic v2

Postby elgunvo » Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:01 am

Hi Slowdown,

thats okay, probably a miss understanding. I thought Q7Basic is a sister version and KBasic v2 was more like KBasic with new features.

I am doing a lot of work on c++ at the mo so ill just wait until a new update for Q7Basic comes out as I find it hard to use at the mo and confusing :P

Keep up the good work Bernd and ill download any new versions that come out. I think what your doing for the community is amazing :).


Ashley Johnson
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Re: KBasic v2

Postby Slowdown » Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:51 pm

Hi Ashley,

I quote Bernd,
After V1, there will be the form designer of KBasic and other relevant parts integrated.
The syntax of the programming language of Q7Basic is very easy and almost like the KBasic's one (time by time it will include more KBasic/VB6 odds).
I plan to include a interpreted version of Q7Basic for next year to get instance execution after hitting the compile button.

Simple, it will have the KBasic goodies and more :)
as I find it hard to use at the mo and confusing

Can you explain what it is you find hard to use and the confusing part ?
Slowdown for now i'm back
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Re: KBasic v2

Postby VAA » Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:31 am

Sorry, if "KBasic V2 = Q7Basic" how to move source text/poject from KBasic to Q7Basic and continue the work on the program? May by even with some manually made correction.
It is very impotent for real life and real used program, to have possibility continue debugging and development of the project, especially taking in account, that KBasic still buggy...

The idea of KBasic is magnificent, it can be easy and powerful instrument.
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